Friday, May 16, 2008

This is not how I imagined my 15 minutes of fame

Ok, so the newstory about fert.ility pres.ervation has aired!

Berilac and I are very pleased with the piece.

Because they used personal information about us - we're only going to share the link with people that we know or have been in contact with.

If you have posted a comment on my blog, if I know you via FF, if I have posted a comment on your blog - please email me and let me know how I know you ... I'll be glad to forward you the link to the story.

My email address is now in my profile on the right hand side.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Polly (the infertility star)


  1. You are so cute! I love your haircut!! It was very weird seeing you in a news clip, but I think it's so cool that you guys are willing to share your story. Also, hope you had a great b-day =)

  2. Superstar!! I'm so happy you are pleased with the outcome of the piece.

    You are one courageous woman, Polly. (:

  3. You were so poised and well-spoken! So glad everything went smoothly. I have to say that your haircut is so cute. Love it!

  4. hahaha.... hey star trouper! I'm gonna email you now!

    can't wait to see it! :)

  5. You did great, Polly!!! I am so proud to "know" you. We will get there, my friend. (:

    You looked great too!!

  6. You did a great job on the interview. Thanks for letting me check it out. I think it's so important that you shared your story, so that other people can get an idea of what infertility is like for others.

  7. Hi, thanks for your comment on my blog! Best of luck with your testing, I had to look up PBB1. I read some of your posts and hope you do get your four kids some day!! I'd love to see your video btw, sounds like you did a great job.
