People seem to LOVE pictures ... so I thought I'd share some belly pics from the other night. This is me 29 1/2 weeks pregnant - the night of our anniversary dinner out.
Now mind you that it was a Monday night and the eve of a much anticipated frightening storm front. Upon seating us, the hostess said "I'm so proud of you for getting out at this stage of your pregnancy." And I responded with "you mean the very beginning of my third trimester with 11 more weeks to go?" ... I think she back peddled by telling me it looked like I could already be uncomfortable.
The front view:

The back view: (cute dress huh?)

There it is ... the "yep, she's pregnant" view ...

And in case you weren't sure ... we've spelled it out for you ...

Yes, I'm large.
I do get asked all the time "are you sure that you're not having twins?" ... this question should offend me because really, they are implying that I'm extra big, but instead I'm gleeful and giddy - I love having a pregnant belly, I love that it's huge!