Saturday, December 18, 2010

CCRM Cycle #2 - Fertilization Report

I am happy to report that yesterday Dr. Gustofson retrieved 19 eggs! I had 7+ measurable follies at AFC, and no more than 15 on trigger day, they were happily surprised to find 19 eggs in there. My E2 level on trigger day was 2600, when in the last cycle it was 3100, so I'm not entirely surprised with the following fert report.

Today's fertilization report is nearly in line with our last cycle:
10 mature
9 fertilized with ICSI

They will call us on Monday to let us know if we're doing a day 3 or a day 5 transfer - I'm thinking it'll be day 3. The embryologist, Kim, told me that they'd need 4-5 well maturing embryos on day 3 to push to day 5.

The recovery this time is SO EASY. For the most part my biggest complaint is light headedness (very mild) so can I even complain about that? I have had no bleeding/spotting and very minimal cramping.

Stay tuned for Monday ...


  1. Wonderful news, Polly -- they were able to get so many eggs. Good luck with the cycle...I'll be checking in on you!

  2. Hurray for a great retrieval and fert report in line with your last successful cycle! Bodes well :-)


  3. Great news... keeping fingers crossed!

  4. Polly, I've followed your story for so long. My son is now 13 months old and we went through the IVF process twice. You were very supportive of us during this time and left comments on my blog that really moved me and I read your blog often as well. I don't often comment but I check back here all the time to see how you are doing. This past summer we have moved to Denver from California. My husband is from Fort Collins. We live in Park Hill which is not too far from CCRM. We did our fertility treatments with Dr. Danzer in Beverly Hills. Our home is open to you in Denver, we have a comfortable basement with a separate bathroom in a baby-proof house. Our son was born Thanksgiving 2009 and is the same age as yours. So often I read blogs of people who are going through this process and wish I could do more. I wish I could do something for you. Our doors are open for you and your family while you are in Denver. My real name is Shannon and my phone number is 310-403-6302. You might remember me as Cindy Nguyen? Its been awhile.

  5. 10 is beautiful! I always get a ton of eggs but very few make it to day 3 and day 5 and still we do really well at CCRM, so I am betting on the same result for you! The old mantra, "it only takes one!" must be mentioned here...

  6. Thinking of you on your big beta test today. Big hugs!!!!
