Friday, December 18, 2009

39 weeks and no room for them in the inn

We had our 39 week appointment on Tuesday and were excited to find out that progress has been made! As of Tuesday we were: 2.5 cm dilated, 50% effaced, almost engaged, with a bulging bag of waters. My doctor was excited to tell us that we didn't need to come in for a Cervidil on Thursday night because my cervix was now "favorable". She did a sweep and as I left I signed off with "See you on Friday" ... and she responded ... "if not sooner!"

Immediately following the appointment I called my doula and she too was excited about our progress. She said that in her experience women who go in with such a favorable cervix for induction usually only have to get a few doses of pitocin and then things take off naturally. I SURE hope that's how it goes for me!

The rest of the ride home, I took time to call friends, as I was bubbling over with excitement! When I got home that afternoon I headed out for an aggressive walk and was really thinking ... "uh oh, this is going to happen now and I'm not packed!" Well, nothing happened Tuesday night and on Wednesday morning I was losing my mucous plug and (TMI alert) experiencing bloody show. I kept walking and doing other things to help out ... but alas ... nothing. We are still here ... pregnant.

Last night Berilac came home from work (it was his last night before the Friday morning induction and 2 weeks off to enjoy his new baby). We spent the time finishing packing and getting ready to wake up at 5AM this morning to get showered, fed, and ready to call in to Labor and Delivery at 6AM. It was a very anxious time for me. I had flashes of fear, you know, when your tummy drops really quickly ... and then I'd take a deep breath and try to slow down the old heart rate. It was SO HARD trying to fall asleep last night knowing that I would wake up this morning to the day that we have our child. So intense.

Well, this morning we wake up, on time (which is rare for us ;-), get showered and had a large breakfast and called in at 6am to learn that everybody wants a piece of Labor and Delivery today! Evidently, all their post partum rooms are full and so are all of their L&D rooms, and they can only move L&D patients to post partum when they've been cleared out.

So for Berilac, me, and baby Gamwich ... there's no room in the inn for us.

It's currently 9:30AM pacific time, and after we got the news at 6AM we decided it would be best for me to take a nap and cuddle with the doggy (two things that will be in short supply soon enough), I woke up at 8AM to call back to L&D and check in with them to see where things were at and the very lovely charge nurse there asked me to call back at 11AM.

And so we wait ...

Keep us in your prayers, it's going to be a long day.


  1. OMG... I would be so very anxious. Though you are really almost there! I can't wait to see your next post - baby news! Good luck and try to stay calm! {HUGS}

  2. I am so excited for you!!! I remember your transfer day and your adorable tee shirt with embryos on it!!! Please keep us posted!!!


  3. Oh my are so close to having your sweet baby!! What a wonderful Christmas present. I'm so excited for you and praying that everything goes well.

    Keep us updated. :)


  4. Good luck, Polly! And happy birthday, baby Gamwich!

    You'll be in my thoughts today!

  5. Reading your journey thus far with it's ups and downs and FINALLY this! My heart is jumping for joy for you! I can't wait! I'm so Excited for you and your husband! Woo-hoo! THANK YOU LORD!!!!

    Hillary's friend- April

  6. I'm so anxious FOR you!!!

    So exciting!!!

  7. i am so excited for you guys that I can hardly contain it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jill (Canada)

  8. Aw, that's disppointing. Well, they will have to take you if you go into labor on your own! Baby will be here before you know it!

  9. I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was going to be induced...but then they called back later that night and I went in at 6pm! I'm sure some babies will pop out so you can go in soon! God be with you!!!

  10. Hang in there! I can't wait to hear all about that sweet baby!!!

  11. I hope all is well and you are holding your sweet baby soon. Tremendous hugs for you, the hubs, and the babe today!!!!

  12. ok, so why the induction?! SO awaiting for you!!....Been thinking about you all day yesterday and today (since hubby heard from Berilac). Blessings! A 9 pounder naturally is somthin' wild! Power and prayers to ya!

  13. So exciting, yet frustrating!! Hoping that some room opens up for you soon.

  14. Oh no! Please keep us posted, thinking of you.

  15. Hope by now you're in and baby is on his or her way. I think I'm going to make a girl guess and can't wait to hear. my prayers are with you. KUP please.

  16. awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! what a great early X'mas present!!!!

