Thursday, October 23, 2008

Officially a mile high

Just wanted you to know that I'm in Denver, I have my 1/2 day workup scheduled for tomorrow and the rest of it is on Monday.

I had dinner with Brenda from No Regrets tonight (which was so much fun!!) putting a face to a name is soo cool. AND I got to meet her husband. It took infertility and the best clinic in the country to bring us together, but here we are in mile high!

And Saturday I get to have breakfast with wishing hoping from fortune cookie says don't give up ... though I just noticed her blog was deleted :-(

Who else do I get to meet in person? Amy, BB you guys visiting California from Texas anytime soon? Tara, you comin in from Florida? Pam, you can bet that if you came this far ... you'd better come visit! Tiffany ... we have no excuse. Wendy - you're in the midwest right? California is a great place to visit ... just not while Brenda and I are in CO!

So, not only do I get to see some really cool girls, to boot I get to go to CCRM and meet the infamous Dr. Schoolcraft! And I'm so excited! I've been wanting to come to CCRM for a long time now. And here I am. I'm hopeful that this can happen with this clinic's help, but if this doesn't work, I'm just as excited to move on!

I just love that we are one step closer ...


  1. Oh how I wish I was there with you guys!!! I'm glad you got to meet some of the girls! It's just so awesome to put a face to a name, isn't?!

    I am sooooooo hoping that CCRM is the answer for you guys!!! I REALLY DO!!!

    Yes definitely one day, I'll come visit you guys!!!


  2. Oh that is so exciting, Polly! Even though I have been MIA I have been faithfully following your blog and I just hope and pray that CCRM has some tricks up their sleeve to help you. How cool that you got to meet Brenda! :D Keep us posted! Hugs :)

  3. Oooo, it sounds like you are having a good time, and I am so jealous of you and Brenda for getting to meet one another. So cool that the trip is going well... and imagine the odds of the two of you ending up there at the same time. Many {{hugs}} and tons of good vibes for you and Brenda headed your way!!!!

  4. I am so excited for you both!!! How awesome that you got to meet Brenda. I wish I was there with yall :)

    I am in Atlanta, GA and you better believe if I get close to CA, I will be knocking on your door :)

    Good luck - I am praying that Dr. Schoolcraft is the answer!

  5. Hi there!!

    so excited for you. also...just wondering about your experiences with CCRM so far. How was it living in other city and doing the workup and commuting? Any words of wisdom on when to seek a second opinion?

    thx, april

  6. So glad you made it! Hugs to you and please give one to Brenda as well!

    I hope everything goes smoothly!

  7. Hey Polly,

    Glad you're having a good time in Denver! You'll have to let me know what Dr. S is like, as I'm still yet to believe he actually exists. he he.

    Good luck with your 1-day work-up. Hope all goes really well.

  8. I think it's so cool that you got to meet!

    Yes, I'm in the midwest -- I'm in Southeast Michigan. Let me know if you're ever in town!

    Good luck with your appointment!

  9. Loved, loved, loved getting to meet you. It by far made the trip so much brighter and better. And to see your bright and shining face and share our poking and prodding stories in the waiting room several times throughout our day at CCRM made it all so much easier. Thanks!! (:
